Featured Articles

Divine Grace School extends her highest praise to these extraordinary Graceans for graduating and passing the board exam of their respective fields. Serve the people!


Last May 13, 2018, Divine Grace School Directress Mrs. Estela D. Canalita has been recognized and awarded the Ulirang Ina Award 2018 at the Manila Hotel for her outstanding works and achievements in the field of education, exemplifying excellence in her chosen field all while managing the tasks and responsibilites of raising a family and managing a household.


"We Pray, We Thank" (DGS Hymn) Lyrics:


It's time to sing for a better future

It's time to wish for a brighter world

Faithful hearts and glory to thee

Our legacy, our family


We praise the Lord, all for His divine graces

Endless wisdom to share and keep

Live the spirit with your pride and your hope

Let's proclaim Her glorious domain!


We pray for our Alma Mater

For the children of hope today

We thank You for all the blessings

For the knowledge and caring


Hail to Divine Grace School!


We'll make Her proud

To the world we stand out

Joining hand in hand, in hand


Let your voices to sound

Tell the news out loud

That here,

Winners are born!


We pray for our Alma Mater

For the children of hope today

We thank You for all the blessings

For the knowledge and caring

Hail to Divine Grace School!


For our Alma Mater

For the children of hope today

We thank You for all the blessings

For the knowledge and caring


Hail to Divine Grace School!

Hail to Divine Grace, our school!




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